I am a student to mentoring and see my role in the classroom as a mentor. I use a variety of pedagogical philosophies to create hands-on and student-led learning. I have taught at Non-tribal Native American serving and Latino serving institutions. My current home institution, New Mexico Highlands University, is home to a diverse student body and values inclusive teaching.
Below please find links to example syllabi, activities, and resources for sharing teaching ideas. Please reach out to me if you have any feedback or would like to further discuss teaching.
Current Courses:
FORS 2010: Field and Saftey Practices
Previous Courses:
FORS 1010: Humans and Ecosystems
FORS 6200: Advance Topics: Theory of Ecology
BIO 106: Evolution and the Diversity of Life
BIO 125: Conservation Biology
BIO 250: Ecology of the Southwest
BIO 375: Field Methods in Ecology
BIO 427: Forest Ecology
BIO 496: Senior Seminar
BIO 497: Senior Thesis

Mentoring our students starts before we enter the classroom. Our syllabi are our student's first interaction with our course and a foundation guiding document. The syllabus sets a cultural value and makes information accessible to students.

Our time spent in classrooms is a great time for intentional learning through a variety of activities. On this page I have included some example activities and ideas for how to create an interactive environment.

In truth, all my ideas are borrowed from resources, academic papers and books, that have been written on these topics. I encourage anyone to loook into these resources to be inspired on how to teach in the modern era.