July photo give away!
Hey everyone,
With the launch of my new website I am excited to announce my latest photo give away.
Signing up is easy - navigate to my website (www.mremke.com). Scroll to the bottom of any page once there and find my newsletter sign up sheet. Simply sign up for my mailing list and you will automatically be entered in my drawing at the end of the month.
At the end of the July, one person will be randomly selected to receive a free 16 " x 24" metal print of their choice!
1. Use my About page to contact me. In your email, provide feedback about the website or tell me which is your favorite page or photo. The point of this message is to show me you explored my website.
2. Share one of my images or pages to your social media AND tag me in it. This is to spread the love from my network to yours.
3. Comment on one of my blog posts.
Any of the above bonuses must be complimented by you signing up for my news letter ~ I promise you will not receive too many emails from me.